Introduction to Counselling Children & Young People (11-18)

Course leader

Tracey Rees (UKCP, MBACP and NCS)

Hi, I’m Tracey. I’m a former teacher, qualified and accredited counsellor, qualified psychotherapist, wife, mum, step-mum and granny.

As a teacher in an over-subscribed school where, as OFSTED notes, ‘the proportion of pupils deemed disadvantaged … is well above average’ I began to feel disillusioned around the National Curriculum, what we were teaching children and why.  There was an increasing number of children experiencing emotional dysregulation, violence at home, attachment issues and mental health concerns. I felt passionate about supporting these children with more than their reading, writing, maths and ‘academic’ knowledge. Whilst the school were supportive, to an extent, their priority was the academic side of life and there was a reluctance to spend time and money teaching me ways to nurture and support the emotional wellbeing of the children.

It fell upon me to educate myself and I undertook a four-year Diploma in Transactional Analysis and Integrative Psychotherapy. Whilst this was not child focussed, I knew it would give me skills and knowledge to move forward. The course was over weekends and so I taught each day and spent weekends training, assignment writing, fulfilling my clinical hours obligations and somehow fitting in the other roles of mum, wife etc.

I absolutely loved it (except maybe the assignment writing!).

After a few frustrating years of feeling handcuffed to the curriculum, I left mainstream education to work in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU). Their aim was to help and support pupils with their social, emotional and mental health needs to fulfil their individual potential and recognise that they matter, are important and belong.  An ethos I strongly believed and believe in.

As I qualified and began to build up a private practice, I recognised that therapy was where my heart truly lay. I made an appointment to see the headteacher, resigned and offered to work with them as a therapist for the children – she accepted both remits!  I still work there as a therapist after 3 years.

I also work with two other local schools, offering therapy to their children, as well as with two local charities – The Trauma Centre, Hull and CatZero. Both charities work with young people and their families to make lasting positive and personal change in their lives.

My private practice has grown incredibly and remains young people centred, with many of my clients being 11-18 years old. I remain passionate about working with these young people.

I have completed a Level 7 Post-Qualifying Diploma in CYP, where I undertook a two-year infant observation, attended clinical working groups and covered an array of theories and modalities. It was an incredibly rich experience.

I have also recently completed a Level 6 Supervisors course with Place2Be.

Young people and their future are at the heart of all that I do. I am passionate about supporting them through the difficulties they face, the experiences that have shaped them and the life they can create. I strongly believe that the more we can guide, educate and support our young people, the better the world will be for them (and us!).


Qualifications and Training:

BA Hons Degree – English and History

Post Graduate Certificate in Education

Diploma in Integrative and Transactional Analysis Psychotherapeutic Therapy

UKCP accredited Psychotherapeutic Counsellor

Certificate in Therapeutic work with children and young people

Certificate in Mental First Aid

Prevent Training

Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Talk the Talk, Walk the walk

Autistic Spectrum Disorder Training

Mermaid Gender Training (LGBTQ+ Awareness)



For more information or to express your interest please contact Liz Kanabar on 01423 881 881 or email


Wellspring House

78 High Street, Starbeck
Harrogate, HG2 7LW

01423 881 881

Opening times

Monday 9am - 8.30pm
Tuesday 9am - 8.30pm
Wednesday 9am - 8.30pm
Thursday 9am - 8.30pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Wellspring is a member of the Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions (ACC) – membership number A00111.  As part of the ACC, we are listed on their Accredited Register, which is vetted by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). This membership confirms that we meet PSA standards and reflects our commitment to delivering a high-quality service to everyone we are in contact with.

Additionally, all our qualified counsellors are individual members of a professional counselling body that meets PSA requirements. Student counsellors on placement are enrolled on a Wellspring approved training course that meets the educational standards of the ACC (or an equivalent organisation). These measures ensure our continued commitment to offering accountable, ethical and professional counselling services.

Wellspring is a partner in Harrogate & District’s Route One to Wellness.