
Learn about the training services we offer to counsellors and psychotherapists.

Counselling Children & Young People (11-18)

Courses based on the BACP Curriculum for Counselling Children and Young People.


We provide the internationally recognised Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training.

Bespoke Training

Would your group, church or workplace benefit from training tailored to a specific need?


A programme of CPD workshops for Counsellors and other mental health professionals.

Sandtray Therapy

Sandtray is a creative therapy in which clients represent their personal world in symbolic form by working with objects in a sand-filled tray.

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Wellspring House

78 High Street, Starbeck
Harrogate, HG2 7LW

01423 881 881

Opening times

Monday 9am - 8.30pm
Tuesday 9am - 8.30pm
Wednesday 9am - 8.30pm
Thursday 9am - 8.30pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Wellspring is a member of the Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions (ACC) – membership number A00111.  As part of the ACC, we are listed on their Accredited Register, which is vetted by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA). This membership confirms that we meet PSA standards and reflects our commitment to delivering a high-quality service to everyone we are in contact with.

Additionally, all our qualified counsellors are individual members of a professional counselling body that meets PSA requirements. Student counsellors on placement are enrolled on a Wellspring approved training course that meets the educational standards of the ACC (or an equivalent organisation). These measures ensure our continued commitment to offering accountable, ethical and professional counselling services.

Wellspring is a partner in Harrogate & District’s Route One to Wellness.