Empower course

An 8 week course for teens to explore, explain and improve self-esteem.

This course runs 3 times per year, targeting specific age groups between 11-17 years. Our next course starts on Thursday 23 January 2025 for young people aged 13–15.

Our aim is to create a safe and confidential space so young people can talk about real stuff and experience the positive POWER of group work.

The course is aimed at teens who:

  • struggle to believe in themselves
  • want to learn strategies to improve their confidence and emotional resilience
  • want to understand how to self calm and cope better with stress
  • want to improve with relationships with others
  • want to have fun and enjoy good company

What format does the group take?

  • 8 sessions on THURSDAY evenings, 6.30-8pm, in the Garden Room at Wellspring House, 78 High Street, Starbeck, Harrogate HG2 7LW. The next course will launches on 23 January 2025 and will be aimed specifically at young people aged 13–15.
  • The group will consist of up to 12 young people ready to talk and listen to each other.
  • Facilitated by 2 qualified counsellors from Wellspring Youth Service.
  • Each session has a theme to guide discussion and exploration in a fun and dynamic way.
  • The sessions will help participants become aware of patterns of thoughts and behaviours that have caused them to get stuck in the past.
  • With the help of the group, we will develop a tool kit of strategies to break these patterns. This will open the door for better relationships, increased confidence and hope for the future.
  • FREE – Funded by National Lottery Community Fund

How to apply

Please email the Empower team or call us on 01423 881881

YAGE image

Participants' feedback

"This was the best thing I ever did"

"I feel more confident in school and in pressure situations"

"I understand myself and other people better now"

Empower 1

Empower Network

On completion of the Empower course young people can access the ongoing support of the Empower Network.

Network meetings take place once a month and enable participants to continue working on improving their self-esteem and confidence through keeping in contact with supportive friends and professionals.

The activities for the evenings are decided by the group and facilitated by Wellspring therapists and volunteers.

Wellspring House

78 High Street, Starbeck
Harrogate, HG2 7LW

01423 881 881

Opening times

Monday 9am - 8.30pm
Tuesday 9am - 8.30pm
Wednesday 9am - 8.30pm
Thursday 9am - 8.30pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

We work to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework for Good Practice and the Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) Code of Ethics.

Wellspring is an Affiliated Organisation number AT 326 of the Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) and a partner in the Route One VCS Partnership.